Thursday, September 25, 2008

My First Two Teethers!

Right at 7 months, Chase sprouted his two little bottom teeth.  He wasn't fussy at all- he's such a happy little guy.  The only problem was that he was drooling so much that I had to keep changing his soaking wet shirts.  We called him our little 'droodlebug'.  I finally resorted to stripping him down all together- just one of the many perks from living in a warm climate!


Stacie said...

Wow!! 7 months!! I can't relate--none of my kids got any teeth til after they were 1!!

Chase is such a cute little guy! And he does look happy all the time! :)

Kari said...

I seriously want to reach through my monitor and SQUEEZE that boy!!!! He is so unbelievably adorable and makes me miss my chubby little Cougar (who is no longer quite as chubby or little)!