Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day Grandpa!

How could we possible ask for better grandpa's.  Horsey rides and motorcycle rides.  Cowboy stories, and army stories.  Dutch ovens and Rubios.  Either one, the kids never fail to get excited to see Grandpa!  We've learned great lessons from Grandpa; never "mess with the long arm of the law" and how to "pound sand".  Also how to make cowboy brands and speak indian... "Keishka"! Thanks for loving us and always know how much we love and appreciate you!  Happy Father's Day!


JessieC said...

Yay! for grandpa's, they are the best! I am totally behind on reading your blog. Looks like you are having fun and we can't wait to see you all this weekend.

Ciji & 4 kids said...

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!!

a wynn wynn situation said...

Grandpas rule! And how cute is Jefe... man I miss having him around to tease me :)