Friday, June 19, 2009

Girls Camp

I can vividly remember going to girls camp as a Young Women and wishing that I could go back every year for the rest of my life. Well, one more year of my life and I got to go, yes, GOT to go not HAD to go. There is such a special spirit there and I had so much fun with my girls. Yes, it was stressful, yes, there was drama, dirt, and exhaustion- but all worth it.
We can Change the World!!
Really big thanks to my wonderful friends who stepped up and watched all my kids since Matt had a national meeting the exact same week. What would I do without you?


Trisha said...

I still feel SO BAD that I was out of town when you were at girls camp. We would have LOVED to have had your kids!

iamwonderwoman said...

How Fun!!! I LOVE to go to girls camp. I was the Ward Camp Director and we had a great time at camp!!! I'm sure the YW just love ya!

Darcy said...

I just got back from my first Girl's Camp expereince was so much fun!! I can't wait to go back next year :)